Nov 6, 2007

Mean Retirees

Hello it is that special day again...Pet Peeve Tuesday....

So this morning I took a short trip down to the local Costco. The only other people that are able to shop at ten am on a Tuesday are Retirees. Now in my option you have two types of these people. Type A is the nice grandma/grandpa retire. Always nice with a smile on their face and nothing but time on their hands. (type A is my favorite). Or you have type B. Type B would be the mean old people who are mad at the world and think that it is your fault they are still alive. (this would be the ones I do not like).

So I have found through several experiences that all old people turn into Type B when they enter through Costco doors. It is an amazing phenomenon.

There I was with a heavy cart and trying to make my half an hour dead line...the retirees cut and zag...almost run you and your cart over. Then they get in front of you in line and are slow slow slow. Let just say that although I made my half an hour time line I may have had to take down a grandma or two...

So my pet peeve is old people who are mean in stores...seriously is it that hard to be nice and not have to almost kill me?


BAB said...

I hate when you say excuse me so that you can get by them in the aisle since their cart is right in the middle of the isle and they pretend not to hear you OR they just give you the look that says "Who do you think you are". I just want to say "I'm sorry, I forgot that when you turn 60 you own the isles at Meijer. It's not enough that you get discounts on food, movies, insurance, and just about everything else, not to mention that I almost get run over daily by someone over 60 who can't see well enough to drive, now I'm not allowed to shop at Meijer before 8 o'clock at night when you are asleep."

Anonymous said...

Hey...60 isn't that old!