Jan 9, 2008

Yarn Yarn and more Yarn

Yarn Stash
Originally uploaded by forknitable
Last weekend I was trying to put into action my resolutions, one of which is to organize and purge my house. This started with the most fun project organizing my yarn. I had yarn all over the house in bags, boxes and baskets. So I went to Target got some shelves and a few hours later you have a realization that you have a lot of yarn.
Please note that I have just started knitting less than a year ago and I now I have a stash
Now I know that this is not a lot of yarn compared to some but this is less than 12 months worth of stashing. When I started knitting I thought that there was no way I would be a stasher and look at me now...and I am not turning back. I love to get yarn. I love the freedom of going to my closet when I want to start a new project and pick from my selection. It is seriously the best ever and now it is pretty...

On a related note per a suggestion by one of my very lovely sisters, I will be touching on my new years resolutions throughout the year...fun fun fun. So you can keep me accountable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 Words: HOLY MOLY!!!!!