Jan 30, 2008

80s Book Installment one

80s Book
Originally uploaded by forknitable
Here is the wonderful 80's knitting book that I picked up at our local second hand store. When I first saw it I could not imagine why someone would give up this wonderful gift of knitting adventure. The big 80's hair and the great color schemes really call to my inner crafter to knit, knit, knit!

Now the cover really is not that bad. The color combos are alright but it looks like a firework went off on her shirt. Weird. Then look at the hair. super cool.

I know what you are all thinking it is mean for me to be making fun of someone's hard work. I know this book was rocking in the 80's but times change and so does fashion. If I can not look back and make fun of some seriously bad 80's clothing is there really any hope for my life? It is sad but true this brings me joy. Now you know I am shallow and we can move on.

More tomorrow as I am still in Sunriver, OR with my in-laws and right now JJ thinks I am getting ready to go for a ski.

Jan 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by forknitable

Pattern: Quickie Cowl
By: Fawn Pea
Yarn: Misti International Misti Alpaca Chunky
1 skein (109.0 Yards)

I finished this cowl a few months ago but never posted about it. It was a complete pleasure to knit. The yarn was soft and it has a lovely halo to it. It was completed in a few short hours! I love the way that it turned out but I do not know if I will ever use it. I am just not a cowl girl. Maybe a gift for someone…more thought on that later.

Sorry for the short post but I am in Sunriver, OR with my in-laws. It is a great time! We are skiing everyday (at Mt. Bachelor) and then jumping into the hot tub at night. I will write more about it later with all the stories...

By the way don't I look hot in my cowl...yeah thats right I said it. No one else would and lets be honest I am bringing it in that photo.

Jan 23, 2008

Retail Therapy

So yesterday I had a little retail therapy. JJ is gone for the week and his parents are flying in on Friday for a two week visit...so with him gone and people coming I have all the crap to do. So to drown my woes I went shopping.

As it so happens a nearby store was having a sale. The store is one that has racks and racks of clothes that you have to sort through but it is worth it for the deals. So sale + Woes + JJ needing new work shirts = Me having a good time.

Flash forward about thirty minutes to walking up to the checkout and a man in a black leather coat (looked like an eighties flash back) and a black hoodie with the hood up almost ran into me. Just for all the strange male retail shoppers out there reading this please do not have your hood up in the store because it looks like you are going to rob the place...however this gentleman was not going to rob me he just wanted to get into line. So there we are me with my shirt and him with, you guessed it, adult male thong underwear (looked like cotton). Now I ask you if you saw someone with this particular item in their hand clutching it for all they were worth could you look away.

To answer that question for myself it was a big NO. I had never seen an adult male that looked like a robber buying thong adult underwear; lets be real I have never seen any male buy thongs. As you may have guessed that he caught me looking and just smiled and now I am spending my day behind a desk laughing because I guess I always thought that that happened in bad movies and not in real life...hehehehe...

Jan 11, 2008

North Face Scarf

North Face Scarf
Originally uploaded by forknitable
So I know this is a knitting blog but there has been no knitting happening…well one word for you Ravelry. The site is amazing but once I post something on that I feel like I am done. I promise to do a better job blogging about my WIP.
To the right is my new scarf. It is a simple pattern however it is moving slowly. It is the Midwest Moonlight Scarf by Ivy Bigelow from Scarf Styles. I plan on wearing this scarf with my North Face jacket JJ got me last Christmas. I know it will be great. I am over 25% done however; I am starting to get scared that it is going to be short. I hope it blocks out well…we can only hope…
Also, my pet peeve Tuesdays have been lacking…the questions I always ask myself is why does anyone want to listen to my rants?? So 9 times out of 10 that stop me but people of blog land I have a plan. That plan is to supplement with a new idea. A book from the eighties.
I was in goodwill last week and I stopped by the book section to find not one but two books from the eighties. Let’s just say knitting has come a long way and now it is time to look back and wonder what were they thinking? I will take pictures and you can decide how heinous the pattern is. Now you will have to wait to see what I mean but trust me you are in for a treat.

Jan 9, 2008

Yarn Yarn and more Yarn

Yarn Stash
Originally uploaded by forknitable
Last weekend I was trying to put into action my resolutions, one of which is to organize and purge my house. This started with the most fun project organizing my yarn. I had yarn all over the house in bags, boxes and baskets. So I went to Target got some shelves and a few hours later you have a realization that you have a lot of yarn.
Please note that I have just started knitting less than a year ago and I now I have a stash
Now I know that this is not a lot of yarn compared to some but this is less than 12 months worth of stashing. When I started knitting I thought that there was no way I would be a stasher and look at me now...and I am not turning back. I love to get yarn. I love the freedom of going to my closet when I want to start a new project and pick from my selection. It is seriously the best ever and now it is pretty...

On a related note per a suggestion by one of my very lovely sisters, I will be touching on my new years resolutions throughout the year...fun fun fun. So you can keep me accountable.

Jan 6, 2008

Happy 2008

Happy 2008…
I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year. I have to reflect so please bear with me. I tried to end my last night in 2007 at nine thirty. I went skiing the next day and knew we had to be up early and I had hit to the hay. As I tried to sleep one of my lovely neighbors decided it would be a great night to light off fireworks. If you are reading this inconsiderate neighbor hear me now… not everyone wants to par take in your good time. This is not the first time this has happened either and the next time I will not lay in bed cursing you out next time I will get up and watch TV and curse you out…so there.

But now it is 2008 and what would a New Year be without a few resolutions?

1. Knit more. I feel into love with knitting this year as a past time and as a way to create something from my hands. I hope the coming year my love for the craft grows and I become more technically equip

2. I will organize and purge my house…if you don’t believe me wait until tomorrows post…

3. When I am on long flights (aka on the runway waiting for an extra hour) I will asked to be moved if the person in front of my, a lovely normal looking older lady, has silent but deadly farts that it seems like only you can smell and you are subsequently stuck in a personal hell. (If you are shaking your head the same thing happened on the way back but it was a normal looking young man)

4. Let Jeff call the cops the next time the neighbor light fireworks in the middle of the night

5. Take more pictures (if you read this blog you will understand this I always forget to take pictures. It is a flaw)

6. Lastly, to be kind to others that are unkind to me…someone may have to remind me of this one in the coming year

I would love to hear about your resolutions…leave a comment and tell me all about it!!